
Category - Project Management Professional (PMP) Practice Questions

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PMP Practice Questions #151

As the project manager of a software development initiative, you are tasked with developing a new online payment system. This project is integral to a larger program aimed at developing e-commerce product, designed to boost the e-commerce capabilities of your company over the next three years. During a discussion, new stakeholders request information about the overall direction of the product, its key milestones, and how this initiative aligns with the company's broader strategic goals over the specified timeline. As the project manager, how should you address the stakeholders' request?
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PMP Practice Questions #155

You have been assigned to an ongoing project that has several unresolved issues from the risk compliance group's observations. The compliance group plans to conduct a new risk audit next week. You aim to resolve the issues from the previous audit before this new one. The issue has been escalated to the sponsor, who wants to know the frequency of planned risk audits for the project. Where can you find this information?
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PMP Practice Questions #158

You are in the early phases of a predictive lifecycle project expected to deliver a product that will lead to a new line of business. According to the benefit management metrics, the expected customer acquisition in the first six months of the product launch is being tracked. In your project, the risk of not meeting this performance goal has already been identified. Based on changes in the environment, you see the probability of this risk has increased and crossed the risk threshold. What is the right thing to do?
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PMP Practice Questions #159

During the monthly review, your governance group raised a concern about the delay in the end-user training delivery activity. The delay was due to the non-availability of end-users, leading you to postpone the activity by one month. The governance group expressed dissatisfaction with your decision, stating that they could have managed the time for end-user training if they had been informed. They requested that such changes be communicated to them promptly. What is the best step to prevent such events in the future?
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PMP Practice Questions #160

You are starting a new project and observe that different stakeholders are requesting varying levels of detail in project status reports. Some stakeholders prefer meetings, while others favor information dashboards. What should be your approach to managing these diverse stakeholder communication needs to ensure their support for the project?
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