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PMP Practice Questions #180

You are managing a global project with team members spread across three different time zones and collaborating with two external vendors. Ensuring effective integration and analysis of project data is critical for maintaining a clear and accurate view of the project’s progress. Which approach would you use to achieve this?

A. Regularly update the project schedule to reflect the most recent progress and forecast future performance.
B. Implement a project management information system (PMIS) that consolidates data from different sources and generates comprehensive reports.
C. Conduct frequent team meetings to discuss individual task progress and manually compile status updates.
D. Develop a communication plan that specifies the frequency and format of status reports to stakeholders.


In a global project involving multiple time zones and external vendors, effective integration and analysis of project data are crucial for maintaining a clear and accurate view of progress. The goal is to ensure that all relevant data is consolidated and presented in a way that provides a holistic view of the project’s status, enabling informed decision-making. The options presented offer different approaches to achieve this, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The key factors to consider are the ability to integrate data across different areas of the project (e.g., schedule, cost, risks) and the efficiency of communication and reporting mechanisms.

Analysis of Options

Option A: Regularly update the project schedule to reflect the most recent progress and forecast future performance. While keeping the project schedule updated is important, it only covers one aspect of the project’s progress—time. This approach may overlook other critical areas such as cost, risks, and stakeholder engagement. Relying solely on the project schedule can result in a fragmented view of the project, failing to provide the integrated perspective needed to manage a complex global project effectively. Therefore, although this option is beneficial, it is not sufficient on its own.

Option B: Implement a project management information system (PMIS) that consolidates data from different sources and generates comprehensive reports. This option suggests implementing a PMIS, which offers a structured and systematic way to integrate and analyze data from various project areas, including schedule, cost, risks, and more. By consolidating information from different sources, a PMIS can provide a comprehensive view of the project’s progress, facilitating better decision-making. Although the option is somewhat abstract, it aligns well with the need for an integrated approach, making it a strong candidate.

Option C: Conduct frequent team meetings to discuss individual task progress and manually compile status updates. Conducting frequent team meetings can foster collaboration and ensure that everyone is aligned with the project’s goals. However, given the global nature of the project, with teams spread across different time zones and working with external vendors, relying on manual updates and frequent meetings can be inefficient and prone to errors. This approach may also struggle to capture the complete picture of the project, especially when dealing with large amounts of data that require integration from multiple sources.

Option D: Develop a communication plan that specifies the frequency and format of status reports to stakeholders. A communication plan is essential for ensuring that stakeholders receive the information they need in a timely manner. However, before communication can be effective, the data must first be integrated and analyzed. This option focuses on the distribution of information rather than the integration and analysis of data, which are the primary concerns in this scenario. As such, while a communication plan is necessary, it should come after the data has been consolidated and prepared, not as the primary solution.

Conclusion: Given the options, Option B (Implement a PMIS) is the most appropriate approach for ensuring effective integration and analysis of project data in a global project. It offers a structured way to consolidate information from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of the project’s progress. While the other options have their merits, they either focus too narrowly on specific aspects of the project or on communication rather than integration. Therefore, Option B is the best choice to achieve the desired outcome.

PMP Exam Content Outline Mapping

ProcessTask 9: Integrate project planning activities

Topics Covered

  • Project Integration

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